
Welcome to my blog! I'd like to highlight three posts I wrote on the Wake.

Please read The word 'had' and  Had - a list of the 364 days of the Wake. I think these posts are very important because I've never seen any scholar write on this subject, and yet it seems worth it to explore this detail in depth. For instance, I've left some questions unanswered:

How does the other references to the Book of Enoch in the Wake relate to the use of the word had?

Why are some days shorter than others?

How does the word had relate to the thunderwords and the Viconian ages in the Wake?

And here is something I wrote during my conlanging adventures, Old Hods Can Raise New Tricks.

If you have anything you wish to publish on this blog, then please mail ruanchavesninetythree at gmail dot com and I'll share your text. ( Replace "at", "dot" and "ninetythree" with symbols. )


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